nba ゲーム E-Gel,HINEX E-Gel LC,HINEX  News releaseOtsuka Pharmaceutical Factory obtains marketing approval of "KIDPAREN Injection," nba ゲーム amino acid, glucose, electrolyte, fat, and multivitamin injection for high calorie parenteral nutrition of patients with chronic kidney disease

September 24, 2024

Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory obtains marketing approval of "KIDPAREN Injection," nba ゲーム amino acid, glucose, electrolyte, fat, and multivitamin injection for high calorie parenteral nutrition of patients with chronic kidney disease

Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, Inc. (Head Office: Naruto, Tokushima, Japan; President and Representative Director: Shuichi Takagi; hereinafter, "Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory") has obtained nba ゲーム marketing approval of "KIDPAREN® Injection," nba ゲーム amino acid, glucose, electrolyte and multivitamin injection for high calorie parenteral nutrition of patients with chronic kidney disease.

This product is a kit formulation of total parenteral nutrition that combines amino acids, glucose, electrolytes (excluding potassium and phosphorus) and vitamins (in accordance with nba ゲーム FDA 2000 formulation*1) in a 1,050 mL 3-chamber bag that provides 1,500 kcal and is directed at nba ゲーム patients with chronic kidney disease who need to restrict fluid.

Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is also called high calorie nutrition. It is a method of administering concentrated nutrition solution through a major central vein close to nba ゲーム heart and is used for patients in poor nutritional conditions or who are unable to eat and drink for a long period of time (not less than a week).

Oral or enteral feeding of nba ゲーム patients with chronic kidney disease may be impossible or insufficient due to various complications, etc.,*2and nba ゲームy may have to depend on TPN, a combination of TPN base solution for kidney disease , amino acid solution for kidney disease, TPN multivitamin, electrolytes, etc. However, this method has posed a problem that nba ゲーム feeding volume tends to be large to provide necessary nutrients.

This Product, with nba ゲーム volume of solution reduced as much as possible, satisfies nba ゲーム energy requirements set in nba ゲーム Dietary Recommendations for Chronic Kidney Disease*3, and supplies amino acids to build as much protein as possible, glucose, electrolytes (except potassium and phosphorus), and vitamins (in accordance with nba ゲーム FDA 2000 formulation). It enables preparation of mixing various ingredients aseptically by breaking nba ゲーム center seal before use. We hope this Product will allow more options of injections for TPN management of nba ゲーム patients with chronic kidney disease and reduce nba ゲーム burden on nba ゲーム healthcare setting.

Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory will continue to promote R&D to contribute to proper nutrition management and aim to be nba ゲーム best partner for patients and healthcare professionals in nba ゲーム field of clinical nutrition.

Based on nba ゲーム corporate philosophy of "Otsuka-people creating new products for better health worldwide," nba ゲーム Otsuka Group is dedicated to contributing to nba ゲーム health of people around nba ゲーム world.

*1 Vitamin formulation for parenteral nutrition issued by nba ゲーム Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2000.
*2 Gastrointestinal bleeding, aspiration pneumonia, bile capsule inflammation, consciousness disorder by cerebrovascular disorders, mental eating disorders, anorexia by uremia, diarrhea (severe), ileus, disuse syndrome, preoperative nba ゲーム postoperative care, etc.
*3 Edited by nba ゲーム Japanese Society of Nephrology: Dietary Recommendations for Chronic Kidney Disease 2014, nba ゲーム Japanese Journal of Nephrology, 2014; 56 (5): 553-599

Product Information

Brnba ゲーム name


Regulanba ゲームry classification

Prescription drug

Snba ゲームrage

Snba ゲームre at room temperature, protected from light

Date nba ゲーム approval

September 24, 2024


Provision of water, electrolytes, calories, amino acids, nba ゲーム vitamins for patients with chronic kidney disease who are unable or difficult to take nutrients orally or enterally nba ゲーム have to depend on total parenteral nutrition (limited to those with or likely to have hyperkalemia or hyperphosphatemia)



1,050 mL×10 bags

Expiration date

18 months

News release NBAベッティングの推奨事項