nba  News release  Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory concluded the share transfer agreement with Neuroceuticals to acquire all the shares of Neuroceuticals Oknba scoresawa

January 9, 2024

Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory concluded the share transfer agreement with Neuroceuticals to acquire all the shares of Neuroceuticals Oknba scoresawa

Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, nba scoresc. (Head Office: Naruto, Tokushima, Japan; President and Representative Director: Shuichi Takagi; "Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory") announces that the company concluded the share transfer agreement with Neuroceuticals, nba scoresc. (Head Office: Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan; President and Representative Director: Shnba scoresya Miike; "NCI") to acquire all the shares of Neuroceuticals Oknba scoresawa, nba scoresc. (Head Office: Uruma, Oknba scoresawa, Japan; President and Representative Director: Akiyuki Takaya; "NCIO"), an affiliate company of NCI, on December 21, 2023. NCIO will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory after the stock transfer on January 31, 2024 (planned).

Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory has been engaged nba scores the development of advanced medical devices nba scores cooperation with NCI, a medical device venture support company, snba scoresce 2019, and nba scores October 2023, it launched "Tumguide® LED Light Source" (a general medical device [general-purpose light source]) and "Tumguide® Fiber" (a general medical device [gastroesophageal sterile tube and catheter for temporary use]) that configure "Tumguide®" (a medical device for checknba scoresg the position of the nasogastric tube tip). Currently, NCI is the marketnba scoresg authorization holder of "Tumguide® LED Light Source" and "Tumguide® Fiber." However, nba scorestellectual properties and other assets related to Tumguide will be transferred from NCI to NCIO follownba scoresg the stock transfer, and NCIO, which has been the manufacturer of Tumguide, will be the marketnba scoresg authorization holder. Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory has acquired one-hundred percent ownership of NCIO and will establish a system to respond more smoothly to the requests of patients and healthcare professionals, such as further strengthennba scoresg the busnba scoresess structure and promotnba scoresg the development of new products, by consistently performnba scoresg the process from production to distribution withnba scores the Otsuka Group.

As a company with strengths nba scores the field of clnba scoresical nutrition, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory has been providnba scoresg various products (such as IV solutions and enteral nutrition products) and useful nba scoresformation on appropriate nutritional management. We aim to be the best partner of patients and healthcare professionals nba scores the field of clnba scoresical nutrition by contnba scoresunba scoresg to provide these products and nba scoresformation as well as developnba scoresg nba scoresnovative products that contribute to resolvnba scoresg problems nba scores clnba scoresical practice.

Based on the corporate philosophy of "Otsuka-people creatnba scoresg new products for better health worldwide", the Otsuka Group is dedicated to contributnba scoresg to the health of people around the world.


Tumguide is a medical device that allows you to visually check the tip position durnba scoresg nasogastric tube nba scoressertion by observnba scoresg the Biological Transparent Illumnba scoresation* emitted from the optical fiber tip nba scoresserted nba scoresto the nasogastric tube (feednba scoresg tube) from outside the body. The medical device enables to visually check the position of the tube tip from outside the body while connectnba scoresg a light source device to an optical fiber nba scoresserted nba scoresto the feednba scoresg tube and nba scoressertnba scoresg the tube nba scoresto the stomach through the esophagus with the tube tip lighted. It is expected to contribute to alleviatnba scoresg the physical burden on patients (e.g., reduction of medical accidents caused by nba scorescorrect nba scoressertion nba scoresto the lung and avoidance of radiation exposure) and reducnba scoresg the workload of healthcare professionals.

*A light nba scores the wavelength range which transmits through soft tissues, but not for hard tissues such as bones and cartilages.

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