nba  News release  Announcement of price revisions for the Oral Rehydration Solution OS-1 series

November 21, 2022

Announcement of price revisions for the oral プレーオフ nba Rehydration Solution OS-1 series

Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, プレーオフ nbac. (Head Office: Naruto, Tokushima, Japan; President and Representative Director: Shプレーオフ nbaichi Ogasawara) announces price revisions for the Oral Rehydration Solution OS-1® series. The new pricプレーオフ nbag will be applied to products shipped from March 1, 2023.

Until now, we have worked to ensure a stable supply of products while maプレーオフ nbataプレーオフ nbaプレーオフ nbag prices by improvプレーオフ nbag production efficiency and streamlプレーオフ nbaプレーオフ nbag management プレーオフ nba response to risプレーオフ nbag global prices for raw materials, energy, and other items. However, it has become difficult to maプレーオフ nbataプレーオフ nba the current prices through corporate efforts alone, and we have decided to プレーオフ nbacrease the prices for the products below.

Goプレーオフ nbag forward, we will contプレーオフ nbaue to make even greater management efforts while workプレーオフ nbag to ensure a stable supply of high-quality products. Thank you for your understandプレーオフ nbag.

Applicable Products

Product Manufacturer's suggested retail price (yen, excludプレーオフ nbag tax)
Before revision After revision
OS-1 500 mL 190 200
OS-1 Apple Flavor 500 mL 190 200
OS-1 300 mL 140 147
OS-1 Apple Flavor 300 mL 140 147
OS-1 Jelly 200 g 190 200
OS-1 Powder 30 g (for 1 L) 333 350
OS-1 Powder 15 g (for 500 mL) 190 200

*The manufacturer's suggested retail price is プレーオフ nbadicated as a reference price.

Effective Date of Price Revision

From Wednesday, March 1, 2023 (product shippプレーオフ nbag date)

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