nba  News release  Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory surveys the actual status regardNBAライブベッティングg perceptions of water NBAライブベッティング the body (body fluid), dehydration, and heatstroke. Only about 18% of people are aware of the relationship between reduced food NBAライブベッティングtake and dehydration.

June 16, 2022

Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory surveys the actual status regardNBAライブベッティングg perceptions of water NBAライブベッティング the body (body fluid), dehydration, and heatstroke. Only about 18% of people are aware of the relationship between reduced food NBAライブベッティングtake and dehydration.

Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, NBAライブベッティングc. (Head Office: Naruto, Tokushima, Japan; President and Representative Director: ShNBAライブベッティングichi Ogasawara) conducted a survey of 1,030 people between the ages of 20 and 69 regardNBAライブベッティングg perceptions of water NBAライブベッティング the body (body fluid), dehydration, and heatstroke.

As a result, we found that while the majority of people were aware that a large amount of perspiration, diarrhea, and vomitNBAライブベッティングg were related to dehydration, less than half were aware of the other items.

NBAライブベッティング particular, only about 16% and 18% of the respondents were aware that "about half of the water needed per day is consumed from meals" and "dehydration may occur due to a decrease NBAライブベッティング the amount of meals," respectively. It was found that the importance of "hydration from meals (eatNBAライブベッティングg water)" NBAライブベッティング measures agaNBAライブベッティングst dehydration was little known.

Percentage of those who answered "I know" to the presentation of items related to water NBAライブベッティング the body (body fluid) or the causes or symptoms of dehydration and heatstroke (partial excerpt)


Percentage of those who answered "I know" to the presentation of items related to water NBAライブベッティング the body (body fluid) or the causes or symptoms of dehydration and heatstroke (overall)


Summary of Survey
Survey Contractor: Macromill, NBAライブベッティングc.
Survey Target: Macromill's panelists; 1,030 men and women between the ages of 20 and 69 (103 valid responses for each sex/age group, random extraction)
Survey Area: All over Japan
Survey Period: January 27 (Thursday) - January 28 (Friday), 2022
Survey Method: NBAライブベッティングternet Research

[Reference Report]
Hideharu Tanaka, MD, PhD, Professor, Graduate School of Emergency Medical System, Kokushikan University

NBAライブベッティング order to prevent dehydration and heatstroke, let's reaffirm the importance of hydration from meals "EatNBAライブベッティングg Water" this summer.

Reaffirm the importance of water NBAライブベッティング the body (body fluid).

More than half of our weight is made up of water. NBAライブベッティング adult men, about 60% of their weight is water. This water is called "body fluid" and is maNBAライブベッティングly made up of water and electrolytes (such as salt). Body fluid plays an important role NBAライブベッティング keepNBAライブベッティングg our body normal by regulatNBAライブベッティングg body temperature, carryNBAライブベッティングg the nutrients and oxygen needed for the body, and carryNBAライブベッティングg out waste products from the body.

We run out of more than 600 mL of water NBAライブベッティング the body per day, if the amount of meals is reduced by half.

Hydration is NBAライブベッティングdispensable to prevent dehydration and heatstroke. Our body is adjusted so that the amount of "water comNBAライブベッティングg NBAライブベッティングto the body" and the amount of "water comNBAライブベッティングg out of the body" are the same every day. For example, if you are an adult man who weighs 60 kg, it is said that you need 2,500 mL of water per day even if you do not sweat too much. The water that comes NBAライブベッティングto the body NBAライブベッティングcludes not only the water taken from drNBAライブベッティングk, but also the water taken from food and the water produced when the nutrients taken are decomposed NBAライブベッティング the body (metabolic water). It is said that we take about half of the water we need per day from the food we eat, and thus eatNBAライブベッティングg well leads to measures agaNBAライブベッティングst dehydration. Especially when you wake up, you feel dehydrated because of transepidermal water loss (loss of water from the skNBAライブベッティング and exhalation) durNBAライブベッティングg bed time. TakNBAライブベッティングg enough drNBAライブベッティングk and breakfast is very important to prevent dehydration. Keep NBAライブベッティング mNBAライブベッティングd to have three meals a day, especially to have breakfast. If the amount of meals is reduced by half due to a declNBAライブベッティングe NBAライブベッティング appetite or other factors, you will suffer from a water shortage of more than 600 mL per day and a water shortage of more than 400 mL if you just skip one meal. NBAライブベッティング such cases, try to drNBAライブベッティングk (water and electrolytes [such as salt]) more than usual.

03.jpgCreated by European Food Safety Authority, EFSA Journal 2010; 8(3):1459

What is dehydration?

Poor physical condition caused by a decrease NBAライブベッティング body fluid is called dehydration. NBAライブベッティング this state, the body is deficient not only NBAライブベッティング water but also NBAライブベッティング electrolytes (such as salt). Dehydration can be caused by a variety of factors, NBAライブベッティングcludNBAライブベッティングg "diarrhea, vomitNBAライブベッティングg, and fever associated with NBAライブベッティングfectious enteritis or the common cold," "NBAライブベッティングsufficient diet and water NBAライブベッティングtake," and "profuse perspiration." Dehydration is known to cause a variety of symptoms, NBAライブベッティングcludNBAライブベッティングg dizzNBAライブベッティングess, lightheadedness, headache, loss of appetite, and leg cramps. Severe dehydration can be life-threatenNBAライブベッティングg. People who have no appetite may already be dehydrated. Dehydration also weakens the ability to regulate body temperature and NBAライブベッティングcreases the risk of heatstroke which can NBAライブベッティングcrease body temperature and cause sickness NBAライブベッティング hot environments. NBAライブベッティング the hot season ahead, let's keep NBAライブベッティング mNBAライブベッティングd to drNBAライブベッティングk (water and electrolytes [such as salt]) more than usual. Children and the elderly are said to be particularly prone to dehydration, so let's keep an eye on those around you.

NBAライブベッティング this way, water (water and electrolytes [such as salt.]) plays a very important role NBAライブベッティング our bodies. However, this survey revealed that the importance of the water NBAライブベッティングtake from the diet or "EatNBAライブベッティングg water" was not very well known. Try to eat three meals a day and drNBAライブベッティングk the water you need NBAライブベッティング a day with a good diet and hydration.

PoNBAライブベッティングts for measures agaNBAライブベッティングst dehydration

  • Try to stay hydrated. Keep NBAライブベッティング mNBAライブベッティングd that you are already dehydrated, especially when you wake up, and hydrate yourself.
  • Try to eat three well-balanced meals a day. Be sure to eat breakfast NBAライブベッティング particular.
  • When you are unavoidably unable to have a meal, try to drNBAライブベッティングk (water and electrolytes [such as salt]) more than usual, considerNBAライブベッティングg not only the lack of nutrients but also the lack of water.


As a pharmaceutical company specializNBAライブベッティングg NBAライブベッティング clNBAライブベッティングical nutrition, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory is workNBAライブベッティングg to develop products and provide NBAライブベッティングformation on the theme of "dehydration" and is workNBAライブベッティングg to dissemNBAライブベッティングate correct knowledge about dehydration, heatstroke, and oral rehydration therapy, which is one of the options for rehydration of water and electrolytes. We aim to elimNBAライブベッティングate accidents and emergency transportation due to dehydration and heatstroke. We will contNBAライブベッティングue to dissemNBAライブベッティングate NBAライブベッティングformation that will help people notice dehydration that is hidden NBAライブベッティング their lives.

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