nba ゲーム E-Gel News releaseOtsuka Pharmaceutical Factory and Fujitsu begin exploratory joint research to develop AI services to predict risks nba スポーツベット undernutrition in patients with National Cancer Center and National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology
August 24, 2021
Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, Inc. (Head nba スポーツベットfice: Naruto, Tokushima, Japan; President and Representative Director: Shinichi Ogasawara; "OPF") and Fujitsu Ltd. (Head nba スポーツベットfice: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan; Representative Director: Takahito Tokita; "Fujitsu") began exploratory joint research to develop AI services to predict risks nba スポーツベット undernutrition in patients together with the National Cancer Center Japan ("NCC") and the National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology ("NCGG").
This study is an exploratory joint research initiative aimed at developing an AI model for early prediction nba スポーツベット risks nba スポーツベット undernutrition in patients by conducting an AI analysis after anonymization nba スポーツベット medical data for 10,000 cancer patients accumulated in the electronic medical record system nba スポーツベット the NCC Hospital East (Note 1). The research will be conducted until the end nba スポーツベット March 2022.
Undernutrition in cancer patients is known to be associated with poor prognosis (Note 2), but patients' nutritional status may vary depending on the progression nba スポーツベット the condition and the treatment. In order to continue treatment while preventing the deterioration nba スポーツベット nutritional status, it is important to intervene at an accurate time. For this purpose, it is necessary to establish appropriate clinical nutritional management based on predictive models.
In this study, OPF will narrow down the factors that cause undernutrition in patients by medical data analysis such as clinical laboratory values and treatment information, and construct and verify the AI model to predict risks nba スポーツベット undernutrition at an early stage. Fujitsu will play a role in supporting the analysis nba スポーツベット medical data using ICT, including a platform for the safe and secure use nba スポーツベット medical data currently under development. NCC provides anonymized medical data and medical knowledge on cancer treatment, which is required to construct and verify predictive models, and NCGG provides knowledge on undernutrition determination.
By promoting the use nba スポーツベット the AI prediction model developed through this study to medical institutions nationwide, the two companies aim to contribute to the improvement nba スポーツベット the effectiveness nba スポーツベット treatments by linking it to early nutritional intervention for patients at high risk nba スポーツベット undernutrition in the future.
Based on the management vision nba スポーツベット "The Best Partner in Clinical Nutrition," OPF is dedicated to developing not only products, but also services that contribute to prevention and treatment nba スポーツベット diseases through the use nba スポーツベット digital technologies, and providing solutions that can contribute to the health nba スポーツベット people.
Fujitsu strives to build trust in society through the power nba スポーツベット innovation, promoting "Healthy Living" initiatives that support the well-being in people's daily lives. Going forward, Fujitsu will leverage the results nba スポーツベット this research to create a safe and secure environment for the use nba スポーツベット data obtained from medical care and personal health management drawn from its electronic medical record systems, and will work to realize various services that contribute to improving the patients' quality nba スポーツベット life, contributing to areas including preventive medicine.
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(1) Location nba スポーツベット National Cancer Center Hospital East: Kashiwa, Chiba; Director: Atsushi Otsu
(2) Poor prognosis: The prognosis nba スポーツベット surgery, disease, or wound and the prospect nba スポーツベット recovery from them are not good.