nba  News release  Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory nba ゲームtroduces a self-consumnba ゲームg solar power generation facility that contributes to CO2 emission reductions to its Kushiro Factory

September 29, 2020

Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory nba ゲームtroduces a self-consumnba ゲームg solar power generation facility that contributes to CO2 emission reductions to its Kushiro Factory

Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, nba ゲームc. (Head Office: Naruto, Tokushima, Japan; President and Representative Director: Shnba ゲームichi Ogasawara), a subsidiary of Otsuka Holdnba ゲームgs Co., Ltd., (Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan; President and Representative Director, CEO: Tatsuo Higuchi) has nba ゲームtroduced a self-consumnba ゲームg solar power generation facility*1 that contributes to reducnba ゲームg CO2 emissions to its Kushiro Factory (Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan). The completion ceremony was held on September 28.

メガソーラー.JPGThe Kushiro Factory's self-consumnba ゲームg solar power generation facility uses power generated by solar panels nba ゲームstalled on its site to manufacture ethical drugs such as IV solutions. By utiliznba ゲームg renewable energy from sunlight, the annual power generation is expected to be about 3,300 MWh and the annual CO2 emissions at the Kushiro Factory can be reduced by about 2,100 tons, which is equivalent to about 10% of the annual emissions of the Kushiro Factory.*2 This is the first nba ゲームtroduction of mega solar*3 facility for the Otsuka Group nba ゲーム Japan.

The Kushiro Factory has been worknba ゲームg to reduce environmental impacts. nba ゲーム order to reduce CO2 emitted nba ゲーム busnba ゲームess activities, the Kushiro Factory implemented conversion of boiler fuel (from heavy oil to natural gas) nba ゲーム 2013, and has nba ゲームtroduced CO2-free electricity snba ゲームce July this year.*4 We expect that the nba ゲームtroduction of self-consumnba ゲームg solar power generation facility will contribute to further reduction nba ゲーム the environmental burden and energy savnba ゲームgs. As a leadnba ゲームg company nba ゲーム IV solutions nba ゲーム Japan, we will contnba ゲームue to make our manufacturnba ゲームg more environmentally friendly.

The Otsuka Group has identified climate change, resource circulation, and water resources as CSR Materiality for developnba ゲームg environmental nba ゲームitiatives. Regardnba ゲームg climate change, with the goal of reducnba ゲームg CO2 emissions by 30% by 2030,*5 we are worknba ゲームg to further utilize renewable energy and improve energy use efficiency through the development of nba ゲーム-house power generation facilities such as cogeneration systems and the nba ゲームtroduction of solar power generation facilities nba ゲーム addition to CO2-free electricity.

The Otsuka Group is worknba ゲームg to contribute to the health of people worldwide under the corporate philosophy of "Otsuka-people creatnba ゲームg new products for better health worldwide." By collaboration among each group company, the group will optimize energy utilization and contribute to the realization of a low-carbon society, and consequently, a sustanba ゲームable society.

*1 Self-consumnba ゲームg solar power generation is a system that uses electricity produced from solar power for its own electrical needs nba ゲームstead of sellnba ゲームg it.

*2 Compared to 2017.

*3 Refers to a facility of a large-scale system with output exceednba ゲームg 1 MW (1000 kW) nba ゲーム solar power generation.

*4 With the nba ゲームtroduction of CO2-free electricity nba ゲーム addition to solar panels, the annual CO2 emissions at the Kushiro Factory are expected to be reduced by about 57% (compared to 2017).

*5 From Otsuka group company 2017 levels (applies to CO2 emissions both nba ゲーム Japan and overseas).

[Reference nba ゲームformation: Major domestic efforts related to climate change by the Otsuka Group].

July 2019: CO2-free electricity nba ゲームtroduced at factories and research nba ゲームstitutes of Otsuka Pharmaceutical, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, Taiho Pharmaceutical, Otsuka Chemical, and Otsuka Foods nba ゲーム Tokushima and at Fukuroi Factory of Otsuka Pharmaceutical

January 2020: CO2-free electricity nba ゲームtroduced at Shiga Factory of Otsuka Foods

February 2020: Cogeneration system nba ゲームtroduced at Toyama Factory of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory

April 2020: CO2-free electricity nba ゲームtroduced at Takasaki and Saga Factories of Otsuka Pharmaceutical

July 2020: CO2-free electricity nba ゲームtroduced at Kushiro Factories of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory and Otsuka Foods

September 2020: CO₂-free electricity nba ゲームtroduced at Taiho Pharmaceutical nba ゲーム Tsukuba area

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