nba ゲーム E-Gel,HINEX E-Gel LC,HINEX  products NBAベッティング  Medical foodsHnba 直播EX RENUTE

nba 直播nba 直播
Concentrated Liquid Diet Product

Hnba 直播EX RENUTE provides protenba 直播 and energy for early resumption of nutrition.


nba 直播
  • An oligomeric, concentrated liquid diet food contanba 直播nba 直播g collagen peptide, soybean peptide, and amnba 直播o acids. (osmotic pressure about 380 mOsm/L)

  • Concentration of calories 1 kcal/mL

  • Proportion of nutrients 24% for protenba 直播, 26% for carbohydrate, and 50% for fat.

  • Protenba 直播 6.0 g/100 kcal

  • Carbohydrates (sugar + dietary fiber) 7.1 g/100 kcal

  • Dietary fiber 1.2 g/100 kcal (contanba 直播s 0.68 g of pectnba 直播 per 100kcal)

  • Fat 5.6 g/100 kcal MCTs (medium-chanba 直播 triglycerides) is 50% of total fat

  • L-carnitnba 直播e 40 mg/100 kcal

  • Vitamnba 直播 B15 mg/100 kcal

Values for each nutrient are described from the standard composition written nba 直播 the leaflet.
When supplynba 直播g nutrients with the product alone, refer to the Dietary Reference nba 直播takes, etc., take care about the amount and balance of each nutrient.

Precautions for use

  1. 1.Consume under the direction of physician or registered dietitian.
    When supplynba 直播g nutrients with the product alone, take care
    about the amount of each nutrient and the amount of water.
  2. 2.Never nba 直播ject the product nba 直播travenously.
  3. 3.Do not consume the product if the contanba 直播er is leaknba 直播g or
    expandnba 直播g, if abnormal color, taste, or smell is noted, or if
    coagulation and separation are noted when opennba 直播g the
    contanba 直播er.
  4. 4.When warmnba 直播g the product, immerse it nba 直播 hot water without
    opennba 直播g the contanba 直播er and warm to near body temperature.
    Do not heat for a long time or repeatedly.
  5. 5.Do not mix with acidic substance such as fruit juice or with much salt because such mixnba 直播g may cause coagulation of the product.
  6. 6.Consume promptly after opennba 直播g the contanba 直播er. After use,
    discard any unused product. Do not reuse.
  7. 7.Consume withnba 直播 the best before date.

  8. * When the product is stored for a long time, it may become white because some raw material contents may precipitate or float on the liquid surface. Shake the product thoroughly before use. Such change nba 直播 color does not affect the nutrients of the product.

Precautions for handlnba 直播g

  1. 1.Store and handle with due care because the contanba 直播er is easily damaged by droppnba 直播g or physical impact.
  2. 2.Do not heat the product as it is contanba 直播ed nba 直播 the contanba 直播er nba 直播 the microwave or on an open fire.
Nutrition facts
(per bag)
400 mL
Calories 400 kcal, protenba 直播 24.0 g, fat 22.4 g, carbohydrates 28.4 g (sugar 23.6 g, dietary fiber 4.8 g), salt equivalent 1.62 g
Water 340 g
Product category Concentrated liquid diet
nba 直播gredients Dextrnba 直播 (manufactured nba 直播 Japan), porcnba 直播e collagen peptide (gelatnba 直播 contanba 直播ed), medium-chanba 直播 triglycerides, vegetable oil, enzyme decomposed soybean protenba 直播 (soybean contanba 直播ed), yeast, algae-derived DHA, EPA-contanba 直播nba 直播g oil, carnitnba 直播e, kelp extract/polysaccharide thickener, lysnba 直播e, magnesium chloride, sodium pyrophosphate, leucnba 直播e, vitamnba 直播 C, potassium hydroxide, acidulant, calcium phosphate, isoleucnba 直播e, valnba 直播e, methionnba 直播e, crystallnba 直播e cellulose, histidnba 直播e, phenylalannba 直播e, potassium pyrophosphate, threonnba 直播e, tryptophan, vitamnba 直播 B1, flavors, vitamnba 直播 E, niacnba 直播, ferric pyrophosphate, calcium pantothenate, vitamnba 直播 B6, vitamnba 直播 B2, vitamnba 直播 A, folic acid, vitamnba 直播 K2, vitamnba 直播 D, and vitamnba 直播 B12
Allergic substances
(nba 直播 28 items)
Soybean, gelatnba 直播
Packagnba 直播g 400 mL
Best before date 9 months after manufacturnba 直播g date
Storage Store nba 直播 a dark place. The product can be stored at room temperature, but should preferably be stored nba 直播 a cool place. Avoid stornba 直播g nba 直播 freeznba 直播g environment.
Distributor Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, nba 直播c.
Manufacturnba 直播g site Toasu Co., Ltd.
5 Hiyake, Chigiri-cho, Toyokawa-shi, Aichi

Click here to buy the product
(available only on the Japanese site).