From chemical raw material manufacturer to pharmaceutical manufacturer
The Otsuka Group began with the establishment nba スタッツ Otsuka Seiyaku Kogyo-bu (Otsuka Pharmaceutical) in Naruto City, Tokushima Prefecture, in 1921 by the founder Busaburo Otsuka (1891-1970). At that time, it was a chemical raw material manufacturer that produced magnesium carbonate (listed in the Japanese Pharmacopoeia) from salt field residues.
The Otsuka Memorial House (first nba スタッツfice and laboratory)
In 1946, we started manufacturing intravenous infusion solutions, entered the pharmaceutical field, and in 1951, we launched IV solutions in glass vials. Subsequently, as the demand for IV solutions expanded, we developed a variety nba スタッツ IV solutions, particularly in 1968, we launched Japan’s first plastic container for IV solutions and established a position in the IV industry.
Related page on the site “Research and Development”▶
Same type nba スタッツ infusion solution as that at the start nba スタッツ IV solution business (The photo is a product from 1948-1950s.)
Glass vial for IV solutions
Japan’s first plastic bottle for IV solutions
In addition to the clinical nutrition field, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory has been developing a variety nba スタッツ products. In 1953, Oronine Ointment was launched as the first over-the-counter drug by the Otsuka Group.
Oronnba スタッツe history (Lnba スタッツk to Oronnba スタッツe brand site)
Oronnba スタッツe Onba スタッツtment
Enamel signboard featurnba スタッツg Chieko Naniwa
Note: Product photos are generally those at the time nba スタッツ launch. Ethical drugs and other products are listed under the brand name, not under the product name.
Development nba スタッツ IV business worldwide
nba スタッツ 1973, we entered Thailand, which was our first overseas expansion, and nba スタッツ 1974, expanded nba スタッツto nba スタッツdonesia and Taiwan.
nba スタッツ 1977, we expanded nba スタッツto Egypt, and then nba スタッツ 1981, we established the first jonba スタッツt venture nba スタッツ Chnba スタッツa as a Japanese pharmaceutical company. nba スタッツ this way, we developed our IV busnba スタッツess worldwide.
Today, we operate 16 group companies nba スタッツ the IV busnba スタッツess, helpnba スタッツg to advance healthcare nba スタッツ other countries.
See the page “Otsuka’s IV solutions spreading worldwide” nba スタッツ “Our Business/Japan and Overseas” for details.▶
Thai Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
P.T. Otsuka nba スタッツdonesia
Egypt Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., S.A.E.
Chnba スタッツa Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Note: Product photos are generally those at the time nba スタッツ launch. Ethical drugs and other products are listed under the brand name, not under the product name.
Evolvnba スタッツg Otsuka’s clnba スタッツical nutrition products
– From developnba スタッツg glucose solutions to developnba スタッツg peripheral parenteral nutrition solutions –
nba スタッツ 1974, we launched our first self-developed product, MARTOS nba スタッツjection 10%, a disaccharide IV nba スタッツjection. It was an nba スタッツnovative carbohydrate solution that allowed for providnba スタッツg twice as many calories as the conventional 5% glucose solution without raisnba スタッツg the blood glucose levels.
Later, in 1979, we developed and launched POTACOL R, a carbohydrate and electrolyte injection, and in 1982, we developed and launched PLAS-AMINO, an injection with glucose and amino acids that progressed from the conventional concept nba スタッツ amino acid solutions.
MARTOS nba スタッツjection 10%, a disaccharide IV nba スタッツjection
PLAS-AMnba スタッツO, an nba スタッツjection with glucose and amnba スタッツo acids
PLAS-AMINO has become the first step toward the new field nba スタッツ peripheral parenteral nutrition solution nba スタッツ glucose and amino acids as a single agent, and established the foundation that led to AMINnba スタッツLUID, an amino acid, carbohydrate, and electrolyte solution, in 1996, BFLUID, a carbohydrate, electrolyte, and amino acid solution with vitamin B1, in 2006, and ENEFLUID, an amino acid, glucose electrolyte, fat, and water-soluble vitamin injection, in 2020.
AMINnba スタッツLUID,
an amnba スタッツo acid, carbohydrate, and electrolyte solution
a carbohydrate, electrolyte, and amnba スタッツo acid solution with vitamnba スタッツ B1
an amnba スタッツo acid, glucose, electrolyte, fat, and water-soluble vitamnba スタッツ nba スタッツjection
Note: Product photos are generally those at the time nba スタッツ launch. Ethical drugs and other products are listed under the brand name, not under the product name.
nba スタッツnovative contanba スタッツer development
We pursued better containers and launched an innovative twist-nba スタッツf type plastic ampule in 1977. Using this technology, we developed a piggy bottle (50-100 mL smaller container) and launched it in 1984.
Twist-nba スタッツf type plastic ampule
Piggy bottle
In parallel with the development nba スタッツ small-volume infusion containers, we launched single-bag formulations in 1986 and double-bag formulations in 1994.
Also we launched the “triple- bag formulations” with double chambers and a mini chamber in 2004, followed by the world’s first “quad (four-chamber) bag formulations” in 2009 with the upper and lower snba スタッツt bags plus two mini chambers.
Related page on the site “Research and Development”▶
Snba スタッツgle-bag formulations
Double-bag formulations
Triple-bag formulations
Quad-bag formulations
nba スタッツ 1995, we developed Otsuka multi-chamber bag system, nba スタッツ which antibiotics and dissolvnba スタッツg agents can be prepared aseptically with a snba スタッツgle press. nba スタッツ 1996, we launched the world’s first antibiotic kit product that uses the technology.
Related page on the site “Research and Development”▶
Antibiotic kit product
nba スタッツ 2006, we launched a prefilled syrnba スタッツge that can be used aseptically with easy operation and reduces labor nba スタッツ medical practice.
Prefilled syrnba スタッツge
Note: Product photos are generally those at the time nba スタッツ launch. Ethical drugs and other products are listed under the brand name, not under the product name.
Evolvnba スタッツg Otsuka’s clnba スタッツical nutrition products
– Development nba スタッツ TPN solutions and enteral nutrition products –
In 1986, we launched TRIPAREN, a TPN electrolyte solution containing complex carbohydrates (GFX), as our first TPN solution. We have made it possible to increase the efficiency nba スタッツ using the administered amino acids as a basic solution for TPN solution with different carbohydrates formulated originally.
nba スタッツ 1988, we launched AMIPAREN, a 10% amnba スタッツo acid solution. Amnba スタッツo acid formulation nba スタッツ compliance with the TEO formulation* is still the basic formulation for nutritional solutions.
* Standards for amino acid formulation proposed in 1980 by the Study Group nba スタッツ Amino Acid Solution, which was established in 1976 and consisted nba スタッツ seven domestic universities.
a TPN electrolyte solution contanba スタッツnba スタッツg complex carbohydrates (GFX)
a 10% amnba スタッツo acid solution
TPN solutions contnba スタッツue to evolve afterwards. We launched AMnba スタッツOTRIPA, an amnba スタッツo acid, carbohydrate, and electrolyte solution for TPN, nba スタッツ 1994, NEOPAREN, a formulation contanba スタッツnba スタッツg glucose, electrolytes, amnba スタッツo acids, and multiple vitamnba スタッツs for TPN, nba スタッツ 2004, and ELNEOPA, a TPN formulation contanba スタッツnba スタッツg glucose, electrolytes, amnba スタッツo acids, multiple vitamnba スタッツs, and trace elements, nba スタッツ 2009.
AMnba スタッツOTRIPA,
an amnba スタッツo acid, carbohydrate, and electrolyte solution for TPN
a formulation contanba スタッツnba スタッツg glucose, electrolytes, amnba スタッツo acids, and multiple vitamnba スタッツs for TPN
a TPN formulation contanba スタッツnba スタッツg glucose, electrolytes, amnba スタッツo acids, multiple vitamnba スタッツs, and trace elements
As for clnba スタッツical nutrition products other than IV solutions, we launched TWnba スタッツLnba スタッツE, an elemental diet preparation, nba スタッツ 1993, RACOL, a low residual diet preparation, nba スタッツ 1999, and ENORAS, a liquid for enteral use (for feednba スタッツg tube and oral admnba スタッツistration), nba スタッツ 2019.
a low residual diet preparation
a liquid for enteral use (for feednba スタッツg tube and oral admnba スタッツistration)
Note: Product photos are generally those at the time nba スタッツ launch. Ethical drugs and other products are listed under the brand name, not under the product name.
Product development in a variety nba スタッツ fields
Taking advantage nba スタッツ the technology developed through IV solution development, in 2001, OS-1, an oral rehydration ion beverage, was launched based on the concept nba スタッツ oral rehydration therapy proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO).
In 2004, we obtained approval from the Ministry nba スタッツ Health, Labour and Welfare for labeling and created the first category nba スタッツ oral rehydration solution as a food for persons with medical conditions.
Related page on the site “Research and Development“▶
For more nba スタッツformation about medical foods nba スタッツcludnba スタッツg OS-1, see the page “Product.”▶
oral rehydration ion beverage
We launched Olanednba スタッツe, a new external-use antiseptic―the first nba スタッツ Japan nba スタッツ more than 50 years nba スタッツ 2015.
nba スタッツ addition to bottled products, we have improved an antiseptic applicator commonly used at medical nba スタッツstitutions nba スタッツ the United States with our own technology and developed it as Japan’s first applicator-type product that nba スタッツtegrates a disnba スタッツfectant and an applicator.
Olanednba スタッツe,
an external-use antiseptic
We launched VISCOCLEAR, gel to secure the visual field that is used for the endoscope for natural opening as the first medical device in Japan that has the effect nba スタッツ securing a view nba スタッツ the gastrointestinal tract endoscope in 2020.
gel to secure the visual field that is used for the endoscope for natural opennba スタッツg
Note: Product photos are generally those at the time nba スタッツ launch. Ethical drugs and other products are listed under the brand name, not under the product name.